The True Purpose of Preschool  

The True Purpose of Preschool  

What is the true purpose education? What is the purpose of greater learning and does this purpose shift by grade or from childhood to adulthood?  According to Waldorf Early Childhood expert educator, Kasea Myers, the answer to all these questions - the purpose of education and learning across the board - is to open a person up to all of life’s wonders. We live to learn and learning to learn is the purpose of education.

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Character Education in Waldorf Schools

Character Education in Waldorf Schools

Andy Warhol famously said that, “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” And in the age of Youtube, Vine, Periscope and other all-access broadcast channels, it seems he may be correct. This quote turned concept has embedded itself in the modern American psyche to the point where many of us, and our children, strive to cultivate our personalities, and our successes, more so than our characters. This was not always the case.

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Waldorf Education: Creating Leaders for the 21st Century

Waldorf Education: Creating Leaders for the 21st Century

With our world changing exponentially before us, we must ask: What do children need to learn today in order to succeed in the future? Most experts agree that we need future leaders who can learn within, and adapt to, ever-changing environments. it is no longer about what to learn; it’s about learning how to learn. Waldorf Education fosters skills for the 21st century - critical and creative thinking, positive motivation and the curious engagement needed to ensure determination.

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