Second Grade: Modeling Responsibility for Keen Observers
Second Grade is a period of magical discovery, as children continue to awaken to their environment and learn to observe more deeply. With this heightened awareness, students begin to experience the positive and negative aspects of personalities, both their own and those of others. We use fables and stories of noble people throughout history to explore contrasting human qualities, demonstrate how obstacles and weaknesses can be overcome, and model the consequences of our actions.
In language arts, the children learn lowercase letters and write and read longer stories. In arithmetic, we focus on the multiplication tables and the relationship between the four processes. We move deeper into artistic approaches in main lesson book work to increase attention and retention of material. As in other grades, we practice focus and patience in Handwork, integrating math skills as students count stitches and rows and learn to think flexibly about patterns that emerge and transform.
Learn how diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are woven into our curriculum.

Main Lesson Topics:
Fables and animal stories from around the world
Language arts
Form drawing
Special Subjects
Choral music
Beeswax modeling
Second Graders are already skilled knitters, experimenting with color and proportion to craft stuffed animals and dolls.